Saturday, March 12, 2011

Playing with Benjamin!

A few nights ago, Ellie and Jack were playing trains
and eating popcorn at the kitchen counter.

Greg, Sam and I were in the family room (watching Idol I think!)...
anyway, Greg walked in and found them talking to Benjamin!!!

They had taken Benjamin's photo off the fridge
(a handmade Christmas ornament with magnet),
propped it up against the popcorn containers and
were "playing" with him!

Telling him about the trains and how much fun it will be
when he's home!

Awwww......LOVE THEM!



  1. That is uber-cute! Benjamin has got to be one of the luckiest kids in the world to be joining your family. Thanks for sharing these moments.

  2. Hi Kim - I saw your blog link on RQ. We're hoping to travel in late May/early June as well - we are waiting on Article 5 right now. We can finish the wait together! I'm following your blog now :-)

    BTW - your kids are adorable! What a sweet post!

  3. Love your blog--and I liked that you listed/photographed the items you sent in the care package--I scour as many blogs as possible for good ideas! And Ben is so adorable. Michelle-LID 11-28-07
