Monday, January 31, 2011

Updated Photos!!!

We received our 3 month update from the Orphanage today!!!

Seriously, could he be any cuter?! 
We are soooo in love......!!!!
LOVE the cheeks and his hair how grown out so much! 
He is such a stinkin' cutie!!!

The Orphanage report states:
"He can read book on his own.
He can tell different animals and characters in the book.
He can run and skip.
He has 2-3 vocabulary of words." 
He's a genius!!!

I love the Chinese and English saying on the wall:
"Experience success be self-confident"....

His height is 33.5" and his weight is 30 lbs. 
He is 2 years and 4 months old. 
Jack (4 on Feb. 28th) is 39.5" tall and weighs 32 lbs.!!!
We LOVE you the whole world Benjamin!!!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Documents to CHINA!!!

It's official!!
Our Dossier is on a flight to China today!!! 
A courier will then deliver it to the CCAA (Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs). 
Yipeeee!!! What a whirlwind!!

We hope to receive our Log In Date (LID) before
Chinese New Year (February 3rd -18th).


Monday, January 10, 2011

Fingerprints Approved!

We received our official document from the USCIS:
Our fingerprints have been approved! 

Next step: have all documents authorized
by the Secretary of State's Office. 

I will drive round-trip (7+ hrs) to Indianapolis on Wed.
in time to photocopy the documents and overnight them
to a Courier in Chicago for Thursday delivery to the
Chinese Consulate's Office in Chicago!

The Courier will pick up the documents on Mon.
and overnight them back to me for Tue. 1/18 receipt!

Each document will then be photocopied twice
 and delivered to our agency on Tue. 1/18!!!!!!

Our Dossier will be reviewed by our agency and
hopefully on a plane to China Thursday, 1/20th!!

China will then "Log-In" receipt of the Dossier within
a week or two and then the countdown begins! 

We should expect our "Letter of Approval" within 2-3 months
(depending if Chinese New Year slows down the process). 

Upon LOA approval, it's another 3 months until travel!!!

While we wait for LOA, we need to visit the
International Travel Medical Clinic for shots...
and apply for our Visas but nothing major....just waiting!!!

We will receive updates on Yu Xi Gang (height, weight)
and a few photos every 3 months until we travel....
so, the end of January will be 3 months!!

We can't wait to see how our little guy!
A picture is truly worth a million words!!
